
Voyager's Golden Records: Galactic Representative of the Human Race

Season 3 Episode 30

What if you were asked to compile all relevant cultural examples of humanity and then put it in a sort of satellite-time-capsule and then shoot it off into the far regions of space?

What images, sounds, and media would you pick and why? Furthermore, how would those choices be interpreted by intelligent extraterrestrial life?

These were the questions that faced Carl Sagan and his associates in the 1970s.


What's On The Record?
Murmurs of Earth
"Earth" Reality Show
Pioneer Plaque

Screaming Saturn
Cat-fishing E.T.s
"Did I say Death Camps?"
"Next, On Fongle"
We Get Our Own History Wrong

00:00 Intro/ "Imagine, if you will"
05:40 The Voyager Space Craft
08:44 "What would you choose?"/ The Ultimate Time Capsule 
11:39 The Golden Records/ Sounds and Images 
16:30 "How 'bout no..?"/ Galactic Identity Fraud
20:18 Will we still be here when it's found?
21:35 Conclusion 


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